Any specific closings or cancelations will be posted here.
Cancellation/Closing Information
The office is open by appointment and entry into the office area is limited.
We are currently driving with students by appointment.
Students are required to wear a mask.
We will monitor e-mails daily and will continue to provide online driver education to students who are elligible to begin the process toward obtaining a
Learner's Permit and eventually their Driver License.
Payment for an online course my be made
with a deposit ($175) when the course begins
and balance ($220) due when the CDE form to obtain a permit is issued.
The best mode of contact at this time is by
or phone: 812-229-4161
Driving is available throughout the year in Vigo, Clay, and Vermillion Counties.
Due to the increased volume of students completing the online course the availablility of classsroom sessions will be postponed until further notice.